Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The First Goodbye

   Yesterday was the first goodbye of the season, but at least Briar went out with a bang. Briar, this one is for you! I was the closest with Briar here at the ranch, so the plan for her last night in Cody was to stay up all night and watch movies, then hike up the mountain behind the ranch to watch the sunrise. What ended up happening was just as eventful and kind of inevitable.
   Briar packed through my dinner shift, so when I got off we watched our first movie. Then I took a nap from 11-2AM while she continued packing. When I came out of my room at 2, she was passed out on the couch in our front room. I woke her up, and we started another movie while we ate sunflower seeds and cold, leftover steak. She kept dozing off during the movie, so I kept waking her up. Eventually, I gave up. After the movie was over, she was sound asleep, so I tried to go to sleep on the couch, too. Suddenly, she bolted upright and said, "Wait! We have to set an alarm for the sunrise!" So she did. And when 5AM rolled around, the alarm was blaring, and she didn't even flinch. Finally, I turned it off and just went to go sleep in my own bed and left her a note to wake me when she was finished packing.
   Kate, Chantel, and I took her to the airport, where we sent her off with letters and hugs. I have some extremely heartbreaking pictures of our last hugs. Finally, we had to say goodbye. I'm still in denial, and it really hasn't hit me yet that she's gone for good, even though I've spent a lot of time alone these past couple days. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with myself now that she's gone.
   I believe there will be two more departures before mine in exactly one month. Like I said previously, I'm trying to live in the moment, but I am so so so excited to go home. This month is going to drag on. I'm so excited to go back to school and start my videography stuff. I got word back from a Women's and Birthing Center in Arnold that they'd be happy to host my business cards and send clients my way. I am so pumped! I've been re-watching all the birth documentaries on Netflix, and am probably way too excited. I've gotten some weird reactions from people when I tell them I'm doing birth videography in the Fall, but also a lot of amazing, supportive reactions. I guess it's not really a common job for an eighteen year old, but that's okay by me.
   I'm still having so much fun meeting new guests. A few nights ago, we had a group with four young kids stay here, and they were so much fun to talk to and play with at mealtimes. The ranch owners also have their granddaughters here for a month or so, and they are so energetic and fun and helpful. They help us bring out plates and take orders and even get some of their own tips. They are adorable, and they really make me miss my kids at home that I used to babysit. All the kids really lifted my spirits these past few days.
   I've waited on people from all over the world. California, Maryland, North Carolina, New York, Minnesota, Wyoming, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Norway, England, Australia, Denmark, and there is only more to come! I'm having such a great time hearing everyone's stories and asking the best places to go in their respective areas.
   I'm getting really burnt out as I start my third month at the ranch, but the guests keep me hopeful and refreshed. Though the hours are long, this has been without a doubt the most rewarding and life-changing experience for me yet, and I can't wait to use everything I've learned this summer when I get back home. Just one month to go! Enjoy the quiet while you can, Annapolis.

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