The stars here make me feel like I'm at the Maryland Science Center Planetarium. They are unreal. I have kinks in my neck some mornings from looking upward all night. The other night I was pretty sure you could see the Milky Way. It was also almost 2AM...
Tomorrow will mark six weeks since I arrived here in Cody, Wyoming. Crazy sauce. I've only been looking ahead, being so excited to get home, but when I look back I can't believe I've been here that long. It feels both like I've been here for a year and I arrived yesterday. Weird. Six more weeks here seems like an eternity, just because I'm so excited to fly home and enjoy the familiarity of home for a day or two. I'm sure I'll be bored soon thereafter. I've already had so many crazy, new, fun experiences here, and I know I have a limited time to finish the summer with a bang.
I've learned a lot out here, about life, people, and myself. I guess I already knew that I liked people, but I didn't know to what extent. Meeting not only the staff, but also all the guests has opened my mind so much. I love love love meeting new people. Every day is a new opportunity to talk to the guests and find out where they're from, what brought them to Cody, what they do, where they're going, and whatever else comes up while we're waiting for their steaks to cook. We get a lot of foreigners here, which can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how much English they speak. I've met so many cool people already, and I'm looking forward to those that I have yet to meet, in Wyoming or otherwise.
On top of the new faces I see every day, it's really fun making friends with my co-workers. As I get older, I find it harder to make new friends easily. Everyone is doing their own thing and everyone already has a group of friends. This age is weird, at least for me, in that even though I still love and have fun with my high school friends, I don't have anyone near me on a daily basis. When I get back in the Fall, I'm not exactly looking forward to reliving this cycle. It's kind of nice to be thrown into this situation where I have to make friends, and everyone's a people person on purpose (Say that three times fast!). I have so many cool opportunities to explore when I get home, and I really think this Fall is going to be fresh and exciting. I'm learning a lot about how to make the most out of life, and I hope I can bring that with me going into the school year.
In other news, everyone is going out tonight to celebrate the 4th of July, and I was looking forward to going with them, but I've just felt so blah all day. I've been trying not to make up my mind until tonight. We'll see how that goes. In the mean time, enjoy some Teton highlights below.
Looking over Snake River and the Grand Teton Mountains.
Colter Bay Marina
Beautiful spot behind the Chapel of the Sacred Heart, in what I believe is Jackson Lake in the Tetons.
On Jenny Lake in the Tetons. I like this picture because I think look like my Mama. :)
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